Visit the Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland until 2 December to view the eagerly awaited Redland Art Awards 2012 exhibition, featuring works from the 45 competition finalists.
Presented by Redland Yurara Art Society and Redland Art Gallery, the Redland Art Awards are a biennial contemporary painting competition open to all Australian artists, featuring four
non-acquisitive prizes totalling $17,000.
The exhibition follows the announcement of Redland Art Awards winners on Saturday night.
Winner: Claudine Marzik for Limestone Walls, synthetic polymer paint on canvas.
Second Place: Gladdy Kemarre Anwekety for Bush Plum, synthetic polymer paint on linen
Third Place: Mark Stewart for Flight over Fitzroy River, oil on canvas
Shorlisting judge David Burnett, Curator, International Art, Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art said the winning entrants had been selected from a national field of artists working in a diverse range of media, theme and subject. It is always difficult to narrow down and short list, in this case, from 45 works.
“Works by the selected entrants range from figurative subjects and landscapes to still life and bold abstract work,” Mr Burnett said.
“Works are of a generally high standard and there are always surprises when you see the works in reality after short listing from photographic images. It is encouraging to see that that there is still such a broad and creative interpretation of what painting can be in an age of digital overload.
“The joy of judging such shows is to be surprised and reminded of how the art of painting continues to provide a conduit of expression for so many artists across Australia.”
Joining Mr Burnett on the judging panel were Dr Laini Burton, Lecturer, Digital Media, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University and Emma Bain, Director, Redland Art Gallery.
To hear more about the Redland Art Awards 2012, join Mr Burnett and Dr Burton for their floor talk at 12 noon, Monday 5 November 2012.
Now it’s your turn to be the judge! Simply visit the Redland Art Awards 2012 exhibition at Redland
Art Gallery, Cleveland and cast your vote for the Peoples’ Choice Award by Thursday 22 November
2012. The exhibition will continue until 2 December 2012.