Redland residents and visitors are invited to Redland Art Gallery to view three diverse and thought provoking exhibitions that are sure to appeal to a wide audience.
If ceramics, photography or mixed media is your cup of tea, or you’re just curious, pay us a visit by the end of January 2013 (specific exhibition dates below).
Exhibitions at Redland Art Gallery, Cleveland
The Still Point by Sarah Manser
Sunday 9 December 2012 – Sunday 27 January 2013
Floor talk by exhibiting artist 12 noon, Tuesday 11 December
Sarah Manser uses this exhibition to represent her ‘still point’ through a series of works on paper and related objects. The mud and shadows of the mangrove forests provide inspiration for the Wynnum-based artist, as well as the scraps of nature alongside railway lines and sprouting from the cracks in our urban environments.
Hyperclay – Contemporary ceramics
Sunday 9 December 2012 – Sunday 27 January 2013
Hyperclay profiles eight artists who take ceramics into bold new territories. Whether printing with clay, transforming rejected ceramic objects or playing at the intersection of the digital and the handmade, the artists in Hyperclay are forging new pathways in Australian ceramics. This Object Gallery touring exhibition features the work of Walter Auer, Roderick Bamford, Stephen Bird, Jacqueline Clayton, Andrea Hylands, Addison Marshall, Pip McManus and Paul Wood.
Exhibition at Redland Art Gallery, Capalaba
More seeing is not understanding by Ponch Hawkes
Open until 24 January 2013
Acclaimed Melbourne photographer Ponch Hawkes presents a series of photographs that draw on her memories of chance encounters and ordinary yet arresting moments. Hawkes reconstructed seventeen mysterious, nocturnal scenes and photographed them in a way that encourages us to try and make sense of them.