If you own a mobility scooter, or are thinking of buying one, Redland City Council invites you to come along to a free mobility scooter information session.
Mobility Scooter Information Morning
When: 9.30-11.30am, Monday 8 April 2013
Where: Tranquil Waters Retirement Village, 31 Thompson Street, Victoria Point
RSVP: For a free morning tea RSVP by 2 April to Susan Denne, 3824 4555
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said scooters were an effective way for less mobile members of our community to maintain their independence and social connections.
“Mobility scooters can be a convenient and economical way for people to continue to be part of their community, but as with any motorised equipment, training and information on safe use is essential,” Cr Williams said.
“Council is partnering with Queensland Government Older People’s Action Program (OPAP) Program, Tranquil Waters Retirement Village and Walk on Wheels to host a free mobility scooter safety session to help residents make informed choices when buying and operating scooters.
“We want people to feel safe, and be safe, using mobility scooters in the Redlands and this session will be a fun way to get the message out. There will even be scooter obstacle course for people to test scooter manoeuvrability.”
In 2012, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and NRMA Motoring & Services issued report* finding that around 230,000 people use mobility scooters in Australia.
This report also noted scooter safety incidents including scooters toppling, collisions and people falling off, or tripping on, their scooter.
Some simple safety tips for mobility scooters include:
- do not operate a scooter if experiencing an adverse reaction to medications or under the influence of alcohol
- stay within the legal10km/hour speed limit
- make sure you are clearly visible (for instance ensuring your scooter is fitted with appropriate reflectors or a flag).
- use footpaths or try to map your route to be on quieter roads
- slow down near other path users
- avoid steep or dangerous tracks that may be too difficult for your scooter to safely manage
- use pedestrian crossings or cross roads in areas of high visibility.
- ensure parcels are well balanced, do not overload your scooter and do not affect your field of vision.
For more information on the mobility scooter session, or to RSVP, please call Susan Denne Blue Care, 3824 4555.
The Mobility Scooter Information Session is presented by the Queensland Government OPAP Program in partnership with Tranquil Waters Retirement Village, Walk on Wheels and Redland City Council.
*Source: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website: www.accc.gov.au/media-release/mobility-scooters-not-restricted-to-the-elderly-nrma-accc-release-report