We often receive positive comments from members of our community. We recently received this lovely feedback from a local resident:
Dear Sirs and Madam,
I wish to formally thank you all for the efforts taken to clear and tidy up the areas along the coastline at Thornlands over the last few weeks, commencing prior to the heavy rains on 11 March 2013. Over that period of time, I have seen those employed by the Council meticulously tidy up and clear a huge amount of the overgrown foliage along the coastline. This was particularly pertinent as it helped minimise storm damage around our area when the storms came a few weeks ago. Our home was continually battered by strong winds and flying leaves over the storm afflicted period. Had Council not cleared up some of the fallen shrubs and branches a couple of weeks prior to the storm, I felt we could have sustained significant damage in our area, where the strong winds could have picked up any of the lose materials and hurled them towards our homes. So, thank you very much for the clean-up – it could not have come at a more appropriate time!!
As a resident I hope that Council will continue to maintain the good work done to date and would appreciate that you communicate this to the Council workers who have done the work and helped make our street a pleasant environment to go home to.