Redland City Council has today announced Phase 2 of its organisational restructure that includes 12 redundant positions, 3 new roles and aligning like-areas.
Chief Executive Officer Bill Lyon said the changes included the redundancy of three Group Manager positions – Development Assessment; City Planning and Environment; and Community Futures.
“It is important that Council continues to look at adjusting its structure to be as efficient as possible, align resources with priorities and break down silos,” he said.
“Today’s restructure announcement follows Phase 1 structural changes implemented in April this year that will result in $960,000 in organisational savings.
“The changes announced today – redundancies and new positions – are expected to result in more than $1 million in additional savings each year.”
Mr Lyon said the reasons for the restructure were to better align like-areas throughout the organisation, provide a more responsive structure to meet customer needs and reduce Council’s costs.
“These changes are both logical and an important step in making Council as efficient as it can be,” he said.
“Many of these changes also reflect the comments provided by staff after they were asked to identify ways for the organisation to become more efficient.
“Staff and external feedback highlighted a range of issues that have been addressed through the restructure. These include remnants of previous structural models that hinder collaboration, top heavy structures, span of control issues (i.e., number of staff reporting to leaders), duplication of activities and the need to ensure resources match our workload priorities.
“We have also aligned like-services including bringing our strategic planners and development assessment planners under a new City Planning and Assessment Group. This will break down silos and ensure those that develop the strategy partner with those who implement it.
“In addition, a new Environment and Regulation Group brings together Council’s compliance areas of environment and health, local laws, animal management and development control. This will ensure a consistent approach to compliance services, whether it is issuing permits or parking notices, or investigating dog complaints.”
Mayor Karen Williams said the benefits of keeping Council’s operational costs down flowed directly to the community by keeping rate increases and charges low.
“Last financial year, Redland City residents had the smallest rate increase in South East Queensland and I am committed to keeping rate increases within CPI next financial year,” Cr Williams said.
“Residents expect us to reduce our costs and improve our service delivery and this is part of that ongoing process.
“This is particularly important as cost of living pressures increase from hikes in electricity and State Government water charges.”
Mr Lyon thanked those Council staff whose positions were made redundant for their contribution to the Council and the community.
“Some staff will choose to take the redundancy packages while others will be provided with opportunities to take on roles within Council.”