Redland City Council has stepped up its fight against mosquitoes, adding two new quad bikes to their arsenal of mozzie fighting equipment.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the new quad bikes strengthened Council’s existing equipment used to manage the local mosquito population.
“Council has a team out there managing mosquitoes all year round; with activity stepped up in the main breeding season during the wetter summer months,” she said.
“Our annual management program means by summer we have already made a dent in the local mosquito population and this is then maintained over the wet season.
“Our mosquito management vehicles include a boat, quad bikes and a special Argo vehicle that allow us to access breeding areas to interrupt the cycle.
“We also have access to a helicopter for aerial treatments on approximately 800 hectares of land as part of a local government cooperative offensive against mosquitoes.
“Mosquito larvae hatches a few days after it gets wet, so we have a very small window once it has been wet from either a king tide or the rain to get in and treat the breeding site before they hatch.
“Our vehicles mean we can get to the source of the problem quickly and manage the mosquito population effectively.
“Council officers also undertake sampling throughout the year to identify breeding sites and ensure Council’s arsenal of equipment is properly directed.”
Council’s environmental health spokesperson Cr Lance Hewlett said Council’s program concentrated on mosquito breeds that posed a health risk to residents.
“There are a number of mosquito species, but not all present health risks, so Council concentrates on those that do as a matter of community health,” he said.
“We can only control mosquitoes on land we can access so we also need residents to play their role by managing mosquitoes on their properties.
“The easiest way to do this is by ensuring there is no water laying around yards that mosquitoes can use to breed in. This includes bird baths and gutters.”
You can find more information on mosquito management at Council’s website.