As part of Redland City Council’s ongoing fire management program three hazard reduction burns are scheduled to take place this week.
Weather permitting the following planned burns will take place:
Wednesday 01/17/15 9am – 4pm.
Turtle Swamp Wetlands: 9 Kumbari Drive, Russell Island
Turtle Swamp Wetlands: Mereford Rd/Murraba Rd, Russell Island
Thursday 02/07/15 9am – 4pm.
Whistling Kite Conservation Area: 172-216 High Street, Russell Island
Friday 03/07/15 9am – 4pm.
Whistling Kite Conservation Area: 172-216 High Street, Russell Island
The planned burns are necessary to lessen the potential for fire by reducing fuel loads and to allow for the regeneration of native plant species.
The planned burns will only be undertaken if weather conditions are favourable and all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards from the work.
Anyone suffering from asthma or other respiratory conditions is encouraged to keep doors and windows closed and minimise their time outdoors.
For safety reasons residents are asked to stay away from the planned burn area during the works, preferably indoors.
To lessen the impact on pets it is also recommended they are secured prior to the works beginning.