Russell Island bushfire rolling blog: latest update 19 December at 3:00pm

3:00pm Monday 19 December

The fire on Russell Island is now mostly smouldering and well under control within blackened out areas inside the containment lines.

The Local Disaster Co-ordination Centre has now determined that the fire is well managed and has formally stood down its emergency coordination role from 3:00pm this afternoon.

A staged stand-down of the large multi-agency response will now occur over the next 12 hours.

This includes units of Queensland Fire and Emergency Services’ rural and urban fire-fighting crews, Redland City Council fire-fighting crews, SES and Red Cross.

The fire Evacuation Centre at the Russell Island Recreation Hall is now closed.

Six police will remain on the island together with 2 ambulance officers.

Two Redland City Council Crews will remain on the island and work under the direction of the islands three Rural Fire Service units to continue the mop-up operations and will be on the island until the end of the week.

Remaining fire crews will monitor and respond to embers and pockets within the blackened containment area and the fire under peat moss in swampland’s.

Council Parks and Conservation crews continue to remove dangerous trees and will also be involved in the clean-up.

Smoke warning

Levels of smoke have decreased since yesterday. Residents can protect themselves from smoke by shutting windows and doors and keep their asthma medications handy.


Residents can keep up- to-date on the fire clean-up through Council or Rural Fires websites and social media:

Redland City Council


Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) to report any spot fires or new fire threats.

10:45am Monday 19 December

Latest update by Deputy Local Disaster Coordinator Mike Lollback.

Russell Island Bushfire update from Redland City Council as at 10.35am Monday 19 December

While the fire on Russell Island is mostly smouldering, it is important for residents to note that it is still an active fire.  The fire is not out but is within containment lines.

There continues to be a multi-agency response on the island including Queensland Fire and Emergency Services rural and urban fire-fighting crews, Redland City Council fire-fighting crews, SES, Red Cross, Queensland Ambulance and Queensland Police.

The fire continues to burn under peat moss in swamplands and efforts continue to ensure any fire is quickly dealt with. Fire-fighters are responding to unburnt pockets within the containment areas as embers ignite those areas.

Fire mitigation and control will continue through the day and residents of the Island can expect to see a large number of rural and urban fire-fighters.

There is no one at the island’s evacuation centre but it remains open.

It is expected that this afternoon Redland City Council Fire Crews will be given over to the island’s Rural Fire Service to work under their direction for the mop up, and will be on the island until the end of the week.

Council Parks and Conservation crews continue to remove dangerous trees and will also be involved in the clean-up.

Smoke warning

Levels of smoke have decreased since yesterday however are still affecting the island.

Protect yourself from smoke by shutting windows and doors. If you have respiratory problems, consider leaving the area and always make sure you have your medication.


While the fire is well-contained, it is not out. Residents should remain vigilant and keep-up-to-date on the fire by listening to 612 ABC radio or going to Council or Rural Fires websites and social media for information:

Redland City Council

or QFS:

Russell Island Bushfire update from Redland City Council as at 5pm Sunday 18 December

The fire is within containment lines. No people or houses are under immediate threat.  Back burning is continuing to secure the containment lines and deal with hots spots, burning logs and trees.

While the fire remains in containment lines, it is not yet out and people need to ensure they have a bushfire plan and not rely on a knock on the door from a firefighter. They should be prepared to leave early.

As expected a wind change early this afternoon resulted in smoke affecting the island and it is likely this may continue into tonight.

Residents should protect themselves from smoke by shutting windows and doors. People with respiratory problems should consider leaving the area and always have medication on hand.

While there is currently nobody in the evacuation centre (at the Recreation Hall, Alison Crescent near the ferry terminal) it will remain open with Council and Red Cross on hand to assist.

Fire crews will remain on the island through the night, with additional crews being transported to the island in the morning.

Council crews are currently removing trees that have fallen overnight and removing trees that present a threat to firefighting efforts.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Listen to 612 ABC radio or go to Council or Rural Fires websites and social media for information.

For more information go to our:

or QFS:


Russell Island Bushfire update from Redland City Council as at 1pm Sunday 18 December

Smoke warning

A south-easterly wind change has resulted in a large amount of smoke in the area, in particular north of Hemp Hill Road and Rampart Road.

While residents may notice an increase in smoke, the fire remains within containment lines and is not posing any threat to homes.

Protect yourself from smoke by shutting windows and doors. If you have respiratory problems, consider leaving the area and always make sure you have your medication.

Road closures

There are no current road closures.


Weather conditions may worsen over the next few hours with gusty winds; people should stay tuned to updates and ensure they have a bushfire plan and be prepared to leave early.  Do not rely on a knock on the door from a firefighter.

The evacuation centre at the Recreation Hall, Alison Crescent near the ferry terminal, will remain open until the fire threat passes.  Anyone evacuating to this centre should take medication with them.

Queensland Police are doorknocking some homes in the area of the fire to ensure they are well prepared.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Listen to 612 ABC radio or go to Council or Rural Fires websites and social media for information.

Redland City Council’s facebook site includes a video with latest information from Redlands Local Disaster Centre Deputy Controller Mike Lollback.

For more information go to our:

or QFS:

Update from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services as at 12.30pm Sunday 18 December

Russell Island Bushfire update from Redland City Council as at 10.10am Sunday 18 December 2016

The fire is within containment lines, with an area of approximately 170 hectares burnt out. No people or houses are under immediate threat.

Authorities have been preparing the southern part of the island, which is the area affected, for a forecast wind change to southerly early this afternoon.

This wind change is to the direction of houses, may cause the fire to intensify and is likely to bring increased smoke to populated areas.

Protect yourself from smoke by shutting windows and doors. If you have respiratory problems, consider leaving the area and always make sure you have your medication.

Backburning took place overnight and continues this morning to secure the perimeter and deal with hots spots, burning logs and trees.

Additional fire crews from across South East Queensland joined the firefighting efforts this morning to assist with backburning before the wind changes.

Council crews are currently removing trees that have fallen overnight and removing trees that present a threat to firefighting efforts.

People need to ensure they have a bushfire plan and do not rely on a knock on the door from a firefighter. They should be prepared to leave early.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

The evacuation centre at the Recreation Hall, Alison Crescent near the ferry terminal, will remain open until the fire threat passes. There were four people in the centre overnight.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Listen to 612 ABC radio or go to Council or Rural Fires websites and social media for information.

For more information go to our:

or QFS:

Russell Island Bushfire update from Deputy Local Disaster Coordinator Mike Lollbak as of 9.30am Sunday 18 December


The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) advise fires were well controlled through the night and today.

The main Russell Island fire continues to burn but remains within containment lines .

A full fire and emergency services response is being planned from 06:00 Sunday with Bureau of Meteorology predicting a late Sunday morning change with winds up to 60 knots moving around from the south east and chance of minimal rain.

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent.  Strong winds may raise risk of sparks and embers being carried from the fire.

There have been 21 rural and 8 urban fire-fighting units and two command crews from QFES on the island along with Council fire crews.

Crews will change over and the units will remain on the island and be joined on Sunday morning by an additional nine fire units plus four council units.

Police are also maintaining a presence around the island and will be strengthened on Sunday.

Fire crews have continued back burning throughout the day to strengthen containment lines.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

Three people remain in the Russell Island Recreation Hall evacuation centre, which will remain open for anyone that requires it.

Residents planning to use the centre today need to remember to bring with them any regular medications they rely on, such as asthma inhalers.

Families with young children and infants need to remember to bring supplies they require, such as nappies, as there is limited supply of these at the centre.

There are no road closures in place.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For more information:

Listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:

2:10pm Residents updated at Russell Island bushfire community meeting

A public information session, organised by Redland City Council, QFES and the Queensland Police, was held this morning at the island’s recreation hall to inform residents about the fire-fighting operations and ongoing fire risk and how they can best prepare.

Redland City Mayor, Karen Williams began the meeting, attended by 70 island residents, by emphasing the importance of being well informed and prepared in the face of bushfire threat, and that no one should leave the meeting without a Get Ready Redlands Disaster Management Plan.

“It is important that everyone get a copy of our Disaster Plan so you know exactly what to do and have a personal plan in place to ensure your safety, and the safety of those around you,” Cr Williams said.

“While we have the Redland City Disaster Group, made up of 30 groups, who are well prepared and train for disasters such as this bushfire, each of us also needs to know what we can do as individuals to minimise the risk,” she said.

The Mayor acknowledged and commended the outstanding efforts from an extremely well-prepared team of staff and volunteers.

“Since the Russell Island bushfire began at 2.30pm on Thursday, the significant emergency services and community response has meant that while the fire has burned 150 hectares of land, and at one stage threatened more than 60 homes, there have been no loss of homes or life and local wildlife has also been protected,” she said.

“Thank you to the Russell Island IGA, who has provided 500 meals to those fighting the fire, and to the volunteers running the Russell Island Recreation centre, which was opened as an evacuation centre immediately when the bushfire was reported”

“I also encourage you all to provide Council with feedback on the fire-fighting efforts and assure you that we will respond to every piece of feedback we receive”

“However, this fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent and should follow the direction of emergency services at any time. Fire crews will be undertaking back burning throughout the day to strengthen containment lines,” she said.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For more information:

Listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:



The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) advise fires have been controlled through the night and the main Russell Island fire remains contained, but continues to burn.

There are currently 21 rural and 8 urban fire-fighting units and two command crews from QFES on the island along with Council fire crews.

Fire crews will be undertaking back burning throughout the day to strengthen containment lines. Police are also maintaining a presence around the island.

Mosquito and aerial spraying has also been completed to prevent excess mosquito breeding.

Seven people remain in the Russell Island Recreation Hall evacuation centre, which will remain open for anyone that requires it. Residents planning to use the centre today need to remember to bring with them any regular medications they rely on, such as asthma inhalers. Families with young children and infants need to remember to bring supplies they require, such as nappies, as there is limited supply of these at the centre.

There are no road closures in place.

Community meeting:

A reminder that there is a public fire information session today  at 11am, on Saturday 17 December 2016 at Russell Island Recreation Hall, Corner Alison Crescent and High Street, Russell Island.

The session has been organised jointly  by  Redland City Council, QFES and the Queensland police.

If you can’t make this morning’s meeting you can follow us on social media:

You can also provide us feedback on the Russell Island fire by email: [email protected]

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For more information:

UPDATED – 17 December 2016 at 8:45am

The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)  advise the main Russell Island fire remains contained, but continues to burn.

There is currently 21 rural and 8 urban fire fighting units on the island along with Council fire crews.

Fire crews will be undertaking back burning throughout the day to strengthen containment lines.

Seven people remain in the community centre, which will remain open for anyone that requires it.

There are no road closures in place.

Community meeting:

A reminder that there is a public fire information session today  at 11am, on Saturday 17 December 2016 at Russell Island Recreation Hall, Corner Alison Crescent and High Street, Russell Island.

If you can’t make this morning’s meeting you can follow us on social media:

You can also provide us feedback on the Russell Island fire on our website.


The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) member has advised the main Russell Island fire remains contained.

A large fire is currently burning at Poinsettia Court and Rampart Drive. Seven Rural Units are monitoring and back-burning around the fires edge and 2 houses

Back burning commenced at 6:00pm and will continue through the evening to get containment lines established along Glendale Road south to Wattle Crescent and Lucy Street through to Centre Road.

Fire crews will also continue patrols through the night and into the morning from Binad Crescent south to Centre Road and then south to Hemp Hill Road to 7:00am tomorrow.

Fire crews have changed over with 2 urban crews, 7 rural crews and 3 RCC Fire Suppression Units in attendance overnight.

Subject to operational fire control decision in the morning, separate Redland City Council  mosquito spraying may take place at the south end of the island from 06:30am and be completed by 8:00am.

Authorities are closely monitoring weather conditions which are currently favourable but may change by Sunday.

Fire authorities are undertaking a series of controlled back burn operations that began from 5:00pm this evening.

These operations are designed to take advantage of favourable weather conditions.

Residents need to be aware that  fire operations may produce additional heavier smoke conditions throughout the night.

Residents are advised to shut windows and doors and those who suffer from a respiratory illness should keep medications close by or consider moving to the evacuation centre.

Motorists are also urged to drive to conditions and be vigilant as emergency services crews are working in the area.

There are no movement restrictions currently in place on the island but residents have been offered the opportunity to stay or voluntarily evacuate.

Seven people are currently at the Russell Island Recreation Hall evacuation centre at 1 Alison Crescent with support services being  provided by the Red Cross and Council.

The evacuation centre will remain open until further notice.

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

If you do not have a fire plan, consider relocating yourself to the near the ferry terminal.

Fire investigators are on Russell Island to attempt to determine the cause of the fire.

Redland City Council, rural and urban Queensland Fire Service crews will continue to work through the night and are expected to be on the island throughout the weekend.

A public fire information session will be held at 11:00am, on Saturday 17 December 2016 at Russell Island Recreation Hall, Corner Alison Crescent  and High Street, Russell Island.

The session has been organised jointly by Redland City Council, QFES and the Queensland police.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For Information, listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit the following: 



RUSSELL ISLAND FIRE UPDATE FROM REDLAND CITY COUNCIL as of 5:10pm Friday 16 Dec                                                                                                                       

The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) member has advised the main Russell Island fire remains contained.

Fire crews are currently dealing with ten spot fires.

A change of fire and emergency crews this evening  will see  8 rural crews, 2 urban and 3 Council fire crews deployed overnight.

Authorities are closely monitoring weather conditions which are currently favourable but may change by Sunday.

Fire authorities are undertaking a series of controlled back burn operations beginning from 5pm this evening.

These operations are designed to take advantage of favourable weather conditions.

Residents need to be aware that fire operations may produce additional heavier smoke conditions throughout the night.

Residents are advised to shut windows and doors and those who suffer from a respiratory illness should keep medications close by or consider moving to the evacuation centre .

Motorists are also urged to drive to conditions and be vigilant as emergency services crews are working in the area.

There are no movement restrictions currently in place on the island but residents have been offered the opportunity to stay or voluntarily evacuate.

Nine people are currently at the Russell Island Recreation hall evacuation centre at 1 Alison Crescent with support services being  provided by the Red Cross and Council.

The evacuation centre will remain open until further notice.

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

If you do not have a fire plan, consider relocating yourself to the near the ferry terminal .

Fire investigators are on Russell Island to attempt to determine the cause of the fire.

Redland City Council, rural and urban Queensland Fire Service crews will continue to work through the night and are expected to be on the island throughout the weekend.

A public fire information session will be held at 11am on Saturday 17 December 2016 at Russell Island Recreation Centre, Corner Alison Crescent and High Street, Russell Island.

The session has been organised jointly by Redland City Council, QFES and the Queensland police.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For Information, listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit the following: 








The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) member has advised the main fire remains contained.

Fire crews are currently dealing with seven flare up sites at the South West end of Russell Island.

No houses are under threat.

More flare ups may occur through the afternoon depending on weather condition.

Authorities are closely monitoring weather conditions.

QFES  rural and urban crews and Redland City Council fire units are on the ground supported by aerial water bombing.

Police are restricting movements back into an area south of Glendale Road, east of Centre Road and south of Stradbroke Drive.

Residents within this area have been offered the opportunity to stay or voluntarily evacuate.

18  people and one pet are currently at the Community Recreation hall evacuation centre at 1 Alison Crescent.

Assistance from Lifeline has been organised for  residents in the evacuation centre.

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

If you do not have a fire plan, consider relocating yourself to the near the ferry terminal.

With smoke affecting Russell Island, residents are advised to shut windows and doors and those who suffer from a respiratory illness should keep medications close by. Motorists are urged to drive to conditions and be vigilant as emergency services crews are working in the area.

Fire investigators are on Russell Island to attempt to determine the cause of the fire.

Redland City Council, rural and urban Queensland Fire Service crews are continuing to work throughout the day.

The evacuation centre will remain open throughout the day.

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent. It is important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For Information, listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit the following: 






The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) member has advised crews are dealing with a number spot fires and flare ups at the Southern end of Russell Island.

More flare ups are expected through the afternoon as the temperature and wind increase.

Police had earlier door knocked residents of Boronia Avenue, Rodds Road and Grove Road offering residents the voluntary option to leave if they chose to in response to local  spot fires.

13 adults, four children and one pet are currently at the Community Recreation hall evacuation centre at 1 Allison Crescent.

Assistance from Life Line has been organised for  residents in the evacuation centre.

Fire fighters on site remain confident, but the fire is not yet fully controlled or contained

It remains important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly if instructed to do so.

If you do not have a fire plan, consider relocating yourself to the near the ferry terminal.

With smoke affecting Russell Island, residents are advised to shut windows and doors and those who suffer from a respiratory illness should keep medications close by.

Motorists are urged to drive to conditions and be vigilant as emergency services crews are working in the area.

At the southern end of the island, a fire continues to burn in inaccessible wetlands, called Melomy’s Wetlands.

Fire investigators are on Russell Island to attempt to determine the cause of the fire.

Redland City Council, rural and urban Queensland Fire Service crews are continuing to work throughout the day.

As the day heats up there is further risk.

A total of 25 people as well as pets stayed overnight in the evacuation centre.

The evacuation centre – located at the Community Recreation hall, corner of Alison Crescent and High Street, near the ferry terminal – will remain open throughout the day.

As a result of the fire situation tonight’s Bay island Christmas Carols in the community hall has been cancelled

This fire is not yet out and residents should not be complacent. It is important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – e.g., bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.
  • To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

For updates listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:

Redland City Council’s




The Local Disaster Management Group Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) member has advised crews are dealing with spot fires and flare ups at Russell Island but no properties are under threat at this time.

Smoke will affect Russell Island, surrounding islands and the mainland. Residents are advised to shut windows and doors and those who suffer from a respiratory illness should keep medications close by.

Motorists are urged to drive to conditions and be vigilant as emergency services crews are working in the area.

Listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:

Redland City Council’s


Friday 16 December – 6:10am

Three separate bushfires continued to burn overnight at Russell Island.

There are also back burning operations underway in the vicinity of Glendale Road and Victoria Avenue to blacken the area to reduce impact on nearby residential properties.

There are 20 residential streets to which this fire poses a threat.

At the southern end of the island, a fire continues to burn in inaccessible wetlands, called Melomy’s Wetlands.

Fire investigators attended Russell Island from 7pm last night (Thursday) to attempt to determine the cause of the fire.

Redland City Council fire crews worked through the night with rural and urban Queensland Fire Service crews. Seven crews are currently on Russell Island with five additional crews deployed this morning to supplement the fire-fighting efforts.

Every effort is being made to ensure adequate fire crews are on the ground.

While weather conditions are quite cool this morning a hot day is predicted. As the day heats up there is further risk, with the likelihood of flare ups.

A total of 25 people and pets stayed overnight in the evacuation centre. There are three people in the centre now, with the others able to go home.

The evacuation centre – located at the community hall, corner of Alison Crescent and High Street, near the ferry terminal – is still open.

Residents should not be complacent. It is important that people follow the direction of emergency services and if necessary, move out quickly.

If you do not have a fire plan, relocate yourself to the community hall.

Check on your neighbour. Do not wait to relocate.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

Listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:

Redland City Council’s



Fire details

  • The bushfire at Russell Island has intensified, with multiple flare ups.
  • A watch and act warning is still in place.
  • Firefighters are currently protecting houses in Stradbroke Street.
  • At the southern end of the island, a fire is also burning in inaccessible wetlands, called Melomy’s Wetlands.
  • As the day heats up tomorrow there is further risk.

Community information

  • If you do not have a fire plan, relocate yourself to the community hall, corner of Alison Crescent and High Street, near the ferry terminal. It will be open all night.
  • A total of 23 people are currently in the evacuation centre with around 10 expected to stay overnight.
  • Check on your neighbour. Do not wait to relocate.
  • Redland City Council fire crews are working with rural and urban Qld Fire Service crews overnight.
  • It is important that people follow the direction of police and firefighters.
  • Firefighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a firefighter at their door.
  • Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

To protect yourself against smoke, close windows and doors.

Listen to 612 ABC radio for bulletins or visit:

Redland City Council’s



Mayor Karen Williams video update.

Fire details

  • There are 3 separate fires burning on the island,
  • One east of Centre Road which is under control
  • The 2 other fires are burning in the south-west of the island and are not yet under control
  • Even if all fires are brought under control tonight, fires will continue to burn on the island for a couple of days
  • Queensland Police have evacuated some homes.  If people plan to relocate or they do not have a plan they should relocate now. Leaving well ahead of a fire is the safest option for survival.
  • Residents can relocate to the Russell Island Community Centre, corner of Alison Cr and High St near the ferry terminal. There are about 15 people and 2 dogs at the community centre.
  • There is a multi-agency response on the island, including helicopters, fix-wing aircraft, QLD fire, QLD Police and Council.


  • It is important to follow direction from police and fire fighters. Check on your neighbours and take any medication with you.
  • The Russell Island community is resilient and well prepared and I would ask everyone to look out for each other.

Smoke hazard

  • People should take precautions to protect themselves from smoke, by:
  • Minimising time outside.
  • Keeping windows and doors closed
  • And People with pre-existing respiratory conditions should keep away from smoke and have medication on hand.

For more information go to Council’s



Media Release: Russell Island Bushfire

The fire is located at Centre Road west to Hemp Hill Road and south and east from centre Road to Rampart drive, which is in the lower southern area of the island towards the middle of the island.

There are approximately 60 homes currently under threat, but as yet none have been lost.

Queensland Police are evacuating some homes.  People should be moving from their homes due to smoke and fire. Secure your homes and leave.

At 3.08 pm Police declared an emergency situation under the Public Safety Preservation Act in Russell Island this afternoon.

It is important to follow direction from police and firefighters. Check on your neighbours and take any medication with you.

Do not try to second guess this fire. Move out of the area. Don’t wait.

There are currently about 10 people at the evacuation centre at Russell Island Community Hall, corner of Alison Crescent and High Street near the ferry terminal.

Police are currently bringing more people to the centre, which is being staffed by Red Cross and Redland City Council.

Currently, five fire crews and a water bombing helicopter are working to contain the blaze but fire fighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a fire fighter at their door.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

For more information go to Council’s





Bushfire EMERGENCY WARNING for Russell Island (Moreton Bay) as at 4pm Thurs 15 Dec 16

Queensland Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) is advising residents in the vicinity of Russell Island to relocate to a safe area on the northern part of the island now if the path is clear to do so.

At 4pm on Thursday 15 December a large bushfire was located at Russell Island. The fire is travelling in a south-westerly direction and is expected to impact the area bordered by Centre Road west to Hemp Hill Road South, east from Centre Road to Rampart Drive and south, in the coming hours.

This fire is moving quickly and is currently uncontrolled. Spot fires are likely to start ahead of the fire front and embers are also being thrown from the fire.

The fire is expected to impact on the Russell Island community and some property may be lost. Power, water and mobile phone supplies may be lost in the area over the next several hours.

It will be very hot and windy and as the fire approaches it will become increasingly difficult to breathe.

Residents are strongly advised to leave now if they are able to do so. Leaving is the safest option for survival.

Well prepared and defended homes can offer safety during the fire and may be defendable.

Currently, several fire crews and aerial support are working to contain the blaze but firefighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a firefighter at their door.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if they believe their property comes under threat.

Regular updated information will be provided on the Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) website at or listen to local radio.

For information on current bushfire incidents visit the map.

Background: there are three levels of bushfire warning:

  • Advice: Monitor conditions and review your bushfire survival plan.
  • Watch and Act: Conditions are changing. Start taking action and follow your bushfire survival plan.
  • Emergency Warning: You are in danger. Act on your bushfire survival plan now.





Media Release: Large bushfire Fire Watch and Act and issued for Russell Island (Moreton Bay) – Community Hall opened

Residents of Russell island who wish to self-evacuate due to the current large fire can go to the community recreation hall at corner Alison Crescent and High Street.

Residents should avoid relocating to Sandy Beach as this area may be cut off in the future.

They should move to the Recreation Hall.

Redland City Council has activated its Local Disaster Management centre in response to a large bushfire currently burning on Russell Island.

At 2.15pm, the large fire was travelling in a south-westerly direction and was expected to impact the areas of Centre Road and Hume Street within the next two hours.

Residents are advised that if their plan is to relocate or they do not have a plan then they are advised to relocate now. Leaving well ahead of a fire is the safest option for survival.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) has issued a watch and act warning meaning that Conditions are changing and affected property owners  Start taking action and follow  their bushfire survival plan.

Well prepared and defended homes can offer safety during the fire and may be defendable.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is advising residents in the vicinity of Centre Road and Hume Street, Russell Island (Moreton Bay) to finalise their bushfire plans.

Residents are advised that if their plan is to relocate or they do not have a plan then they are advised to relocate now. Leaving well ahead of a fire is the safest option for survival.

Currently, five fire crews and a water bombing helicopter are working to contain the blaze but firefighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a firefighter at their door.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat. 

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

  • Putting on protective clothing;
  • Drinking lots of water;
  • Moving car/s to a safe location;
  • Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;
  • Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;
  • Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;
  • Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;
  • Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;
  • Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;
  • Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);
  • Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and
  • Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Regular updated information will be provided on the Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFS) website or listen to local radio.

For information on current bushfire incidents visit the map.

Background: there are three levels of bushfire warning –
Advice: Monitor conditions and review your bushfire survival plan.
Watch and Act: Conditions are changing. Start taking action and follow your bushfire survival plan.
Emergency Warning: You are in danger. Act on your bushfire survival plan

For more information visit council

  • Website
  • Facebook
    • Note: no Facebook account needed to read updates
  • Twitter
    • Note: no Twitter account needed to read updates
  • Disaster plans (safer places, evacuation routes, hazards information and more for your suburb)


QFES: Bushfire Watch and Act: Russell Island

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) is advising residents in the vicinity of Centre Road and Hume Street, Russell Island (Moreton Bay) to finalise their bushfire plans.

At 2.15pm, a large bushfire was located at Russell Island. The large fire is travelling in a south-westerly direction and is expected to impact the areas of Centre Road and Hume Street within the next two hours.

Residents are advised that if their plan is to relocate or they do not have a plan then they are advised to relocate now. Leaving well ahead of a fire is the safest option for survival.

Well prepared and defended homes can offer safety during the fire and may be defendable.

Currently, five fire crews and a water bombing helicopter are working to contain the blaze but firefighters will not be able to protect every affected property and residents should not expect a firefighter at their door.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if their property comes under threat.

Residents can relocate to the Russell Island Community Centre, near the ferry terminal, if they are unable to relocate to family and friends.

Residents should consider taking precautionary measures including:

-Putting on protective clothing;

-Drinking lots of water;

-Moving car/s to a safe location;

-Closing windows and doors and shutting blinds;

-Bringing pets inside, restraining them (leash, cage or secure room) and providing water;

-Wetting down fine fuels close to buildings;

-Removing garden furniture, doormats and other items;

-Sealing all gaps under doors and screens;

-Filling containers with water – eg bath, sinks, buckets, wheelie bins;

-Having ladders ready for roof space access (inside) and against roof (outside);

-Having a generator or petrol powered pump ready; and

-Checking and patrolling outside for embers, extinguishing any spot fires and seeking shelter as the fire front arrives.

Residents are advised to call Triple Zero (000) if they believe their property comes under threat.

Regular updated information will be provided on the Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFS) website.

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