Redland City Council’s Parks & Conservation Crew’s are intending to undertake a hazard reduction burn in a section of bushland in McMillian Road on Tuesday the 6th June 2017, dependant on weather conditions at the time.
The location of the burn area is 116-122 McMillian Road, Alexandra Hills. The purpose of the burn will be for hazard reduction as well as for ecological outcomes.
Preparation of the site will be undertaken in the days leading up to the date of the burn, and will consist of clearing around significant logs and habitat trees. Some limited test burning may be conducted during this time.
It is appreciated that this burn may cause some inconvenience, however all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards from the work. The planned burn is necessary to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, which will assist with hazard reduction. Planned burns assist to reduce the fire danger and provide conditions essential for native regeneration.
If you require further details of the planned burn, please visit contact Council’s Conservation Fire Management Officer Adam Pearce on 3829 8456.