Redland City Council has announced the engagement of the Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC) in partnership with David Brewer Consulting and Healthy Land and Water to undertake Part 2 of its Coastal Adaptation Strategy.
Mayor Karen Williams said that Council was delighted with the successful consulting partnership proposal that brings together world leading coastal science and 21,000 years of local knowledge.
“Part 2 of the Coastal Adaptation Strategy focusses on Emerging Risks along the coastal areas of the Redlands and will complement the substantial body of work completed in the first part of the project that addressed current hazards.
“This project is being delivered under the QCoast 2100 funding program, managed by the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) aimed at assisting coastal Councils across Queensland to prepare their Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategies.
“Working with QYAC and their team brings an enormous amount of expertise to the project and the opportunity to develop a Coastal Adaptation Strategy that is unique for Redlands and Quandamooka Country,” Cr Karen Williams said.
“The skills and attributes brought together in this team present Redland City with a unique opportunity to deliver a truly holistic coastal adaptation planning outcomes that integrate science, traditional knowledge, project management, community engagement, and planning expertise”
QYAC CEO Cameron Costello said QYAC was thrilled to contribute to the project leadership.
“QYAC is pleased to be involved in this important work. The project team is able draw on the vast Traditional Knowledge and land and sea management experience accumulated over thousands of years in this part of the world along with the scientific knowledge of some of Australia’s leading coastal adaptation experts including Professor Darryl Low Choy and former CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Research Group Leader, David Brewer.
“Considering and adapting to climate change has always been an important part of how decisions have been made in the Quandamooka community and will continue to be so into the future.
“QYAC recently worked with Griffith and Deakin Universities National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) funded project to understand coastal urban and peri-urban Indigenous people’s vulnerability and adaptive capacity to climate change. This project provides an opportunity to extend those considerations for the Indigenous and the non-Indigenous communities of Redland City as a whole.”
Mayor Karen Williams said the Phase 2 project will work to identify longer term coastal hazards that pose future risks to Redlands coast and foreshore.
“These may range from sea level rise, storm tide inundation and erosion prone areas with a focus on the level of risk towards existing local communities and the relationship between land use planning and projected growth across the city.
“The work will include a detailed risk assessment of identified coastal hazards and provide a suite of potential management options to determine the most suitable actions.
“The aim of this phase is to understand the level of vulnerability and risk of key infrastructure, property, natural assets, and the community from long term coastal hazards and recommend actions that manage the risk to an acceptable level.”
Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation
A Registered Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) created under the Native Title Act 1993 to manage the recognised Native Title rights and interests of the Quandamooka people, QYAC is also the registered Cultural Heritage Body under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) responsible for cultural heritage management across the Quandamooka estate.
Quandamooka territory, known as ‘Country”, comprises the waters and lands of and around Moorgumpin (Moreton Island), Minjerribah, the Southern Moreton Bay islands and South Stradbroke Island. It includes the mainland from the mouth of the Brisbane River south to the Logan River. Quandamooka Country crosses the boundaries of four Queensland local governments.
Healthy Land and Water
Healthy Land and Water is the merged entity of Healthy Waterways and SEQ Catchments. It is a community-focused and science-based organisation, with a purpose to improve the natural assets of South East Queensland through connecting community stakeholders to deliver best practice catchment management. Healthy Land and Water is the Australian Government recognised Regional Natural Resource Management Body for South East Queensland.
David Brewer Consulting
The David Brewer Consulting team for Coastal Adaptation Strategy brings together over 100 years of climate change, marine and coastal science experience that includes local scientists formerly with Cleveland’s CSIRO Marine Research Laboratory.
The delivery of the Coastal Adaptation Strategy is also being guided by a high level Steering Committee. The Steering Committee’s membership features senior representatives from State Government Agencies, Industry bodies, Non-Government Organisations and Local Government Officers. The role of the Steering Committee is to provide high level guidance and expertise to the project team.