Redland City Council is seeking a commitment from all local candidates in the upcoming state election to priority projects and initiatives.
Redland City Council acknowledges the past support of the State Government and we thank all current and past state members and candidates.
Redland City needs strong representation from candidates in the upcoming state election and we are seeking a commitment to the enclosed projects from all candidates.
On behalf of the Redlands’ community Redland City Council is asking for commitments from all sides of politics at the State Government level for the issues outlined in this document. Council is also committed to developing complementary strategies and initiatives to realise these outcomes.
North Stradbroke Island
- The number one ask is for the State Government to fund the economic transition of North Stradbroke Island.
- The State Government must ensure there is $110 million in state funding for the State’s North Stradbroke Island economic transition strategy.
- We need the State Government to fund the infrastructure and on-the-ground projects needed to support the island as it transitions away from sand mining, which ends in 2019.
- Just some of the priorities include funding to implement the Dunwich Masterplan, delivering a Great Walks of Straddie trail similar to Three Capes Walk in Tasmania, improve public transport, building facilities for eco-tourism, school-based visits and tertiary research, marketing campaigns and providing seed funding for local business opportunities.
- Access to the island is a priority ensuring affordability of public transport through State mechanisms such as Translink or subsidies to travel operators.
- We want to ensure ratepayers don’t have to cover the costs, which is what will happen if funding is not forthcoming at a state government level.
Southern Moreton Bay Islands
- Council is seeking a commitment from a future State Government to greater access to State Government funding programs for the Southern Moreton Bay Islands. These islands require equivalent access to funding as is made available to all other rural and remote Queensland communities.
Public Transport
All State Government roads including Cleveland Redland Bay Road and Moreton Bay Road are well overdue for upgrades to ease increasing congestion. Approximately 30,000 Redland residents travel by car each day out of the Redlands on State-controlled roads.
- Council has been consistent in not just requesting improved and upgraded transport infrastructure but also offering funding solutions to the State and we seek a firm response to these requests.
- Council would like a future State Government to progress new
transport options like the Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) being trialed in Logan. This trial is designed to make it easier for residents to get around a local area when buses and trains aren’t available. - Marine infrastructure is critical for connecting our city of islands. Jetties, boat ramps, and park & rides at our numerous island ferry terminals are critical to the 10,000 residents who live on our islands, as is the provision of reliable island public transport.
- Island priorities include jetty and pontoon upgrades. Council would like a future State Government to commit to funding the upgrade of the Southern Moreton Bay Island ferry terminals on Russell, Macleay, Lamb and Karragarra Islands in the order of $26 million over the next five years to 2022. A long-term access strategy for North Stradbroke Island is also required.
- We need long-awaited infrastructure fast tracked, in particular, the Eastern Busway and the Cleveland rail line duplication. The Cleveland rail line is at capacity with patronage between Manly and Cleveland increasing from 199,000 passengers in 2008 to 775,000 passengers in 2016 – our residents deserve a commitment from the State to duplicate the line.
The economy/cost of living
- Council is asking for a reduction in State-imposed bulk water cost increases that our community has been consistently hit with in recent years.
- We also want infrastructure delivered in line with growth and improved infrastructure funding to Councils.
- A future State Government is required to also finalise master planning for the Redlands hospital precinct and provide a commitment to fund future services.
- Council is seeking greater financial assistance to manage mosquitoes on State land, a cost of approximately $800,000 currently borne by Council.
- We also want State Government to establish satellite offices in the Redlands, to boost employment opportunities and reduce the need for residents to leave the city each day for work.
Social and community services
We need the next State Government to focus on our ageing population and the need for health and social services on our islands. State candidates should stand shoulder to shoulder with Council to provide recurrent
funding for the Donald Simpson Community Centre and
other important services for the ageing.- Council also wants a commitment for increased domestic and family violence services in the city. The community has raised more than $200,000 through the Mayor’s Diner En Rouge annual fundraiser for crisis housing. Now we need the State Government to do its part by funding additional crisis accommodation so they can support the growing need for domestic and family violence services.
- The Redlands Surf Lifesaving Centre of Excellence and Resilience Centre also needs State Government funding. This Australian-first facility is expected to accommodate a number of State agencies, so the State needs to be part of the funding model to provide it.
Environmental Protection
- Council will be seeking a commitment from candidates of their support for Council’s Koala Conservation Strategy and draft Wildlife Connections Plan, including the State incorporating Council’s detailed wildlife corridor mapping in identifying priority locations.
- Council wants to ensure State mapping provides sufficient protection for the small-scale koala stands that we have identified in our own local mapping.
- Key actions required from a future State Government include a planned and staged retrofitting of State-owned roads to facilitate
wildlife movement and providing assistance to implement long-term monitoring of wildlife populations, in partnership with Council and research organisations. - Council will ask for the finalisation of the Koala Expert Panel report and seek dedicated funding and commitment to implement key strategies and actions.