On 22 January 2018 Redland City Council finalised the purchase of 6.69 hectares (66,910m2) of prime real-estate situated at 61-73 Macarthur Street, Alexandra Hills after many years of negotiation with the State Government.
Redland City Mayor, Karen Williams said Council had been negotiating with consecutive State Governments to secure the land for community use.
“This land is in the heart of the city and contains some important vegetation and huge potential in terms of community use,” Cr Williams said.
“Zoned as conservation on land designated for community infrastructure, the land was previously home to a state-based research station that had fallen into disuse.
“This means it contains high value bushland and high value rehabilitation Koala habitat within a Priority Koala Assessable Development Area according to State Government mapping.”
“Use of the land is yet to be determined and Council will undertake a full planning process to determine options and associated costs, which will be presented to Council for review and approval.”