Thornlands Park will be a hub of family fun this Saturday 17 March, with the Fun Day in the Park being held from 9am to 12pm. Visit 272-282 Cleveland-Redland Bay Road, Thornlands (corner Waterline Boulevard) and enjoy a free sausage sizzle and jumping castle for the kids.
This is also your opportunity to meet Council consultants and Cr Paul Golle to give your feedback about the Stage 2 design of the Play Space and Youth Zone set to be constructed here in the coming 12 months.
Council is planning a flourishing, vibrant place for our younger residents and want your input. Council officers have been gathering feedback from the students of local schools and now it’s your turn.
Council are now planning Stage 2 and want children and young people to tell them what kind of experiences they hope to have in the completed park, such as:
- performances in the park
- public art
- accessible play equipment
- picnic facilities
- different types of play equipment
- small wheeled bike and scooter play
- BMX rideable terrain
- ball sports
- climbing, or
- ‘parkour’ elements.
If you can’t make it on Saturday, you can still have your say by visiting the Your Say Redland City and completing the park survey by 31 March, 2018.
If heavy rain or storms are predicted, the public will be notified on Friday of any change to planned events. In the event of necessary cancellation, the online park survey will be the main source of further public input.