Redland City Mayor Karen Williams is appealing to all Redlanders to join her in helping the homeless as she again participates in the annual Vinnies CEO Sleepout.
Cr Williams will swap her comfy bed for a piece of cardboard on the evening of 21 June and said that the colder weather served as a reminder that there are those among us who can’t get warm.
“Queensland still has the third-highest homeless population in Australia with more than 20,000 Queenslanders without a place to call home, and many more at risk of homelessness. This includes about 250 people in the Redlands.
“Sleeping rough for one night doesn’t compare to the challenges faced for those suffering homelessness in our community. I get to go home at the end of the night, while for some it’s a long-term challenge that needs the support of the entire community and the Vinnies CEO Sleepout is an opportunity to provide that support.
“I’m aiming to raise $5000 for this vital cause and ask those who are able to donate via my fundraising page.
“Your contribution can make a real difference. Just $55 will supply a week’s worth of food for a family, $105 will keep a family’s power on for the winter and $155 pays for emergency accommodation for a family in crisis,” Cr Williams said.
As well as raising money for crucial St Vincent de Paul Society services and programs that support people experiencing homelessness, the Vinnies CEO Sleepout is a chance for CEOs and leaders across all industries and government to gain a better understanding of this issue.
Cr Williams said that Cleveland traders were also jumping on board with a blanket drive, providing another alternative for locals wanting to contribute.
“Clean blankets that are in good condition can be dropped off to the area next to Colour My Pot and Bay Breeze Café on Middle Street, Cleveland on Friday 15 June.
“So check your linen cupboard for any spare blankets that you no longer use. Someone will really appreciate them as the winter chill sets in.”