Redland City Councillor Julie Talty today raised the prospect of a Redland City Youth Council as a way to meaningfully engage on issues that matter to Redland’s youth.
Redland City Mayor, Karen Williams commended Councillor Talty on her efforts to engage Redlands youth and the future leaders of the City.
“Our world is changing and new generations bring new ideas and new ways of thinking about the challenges we face as a society and as a City,” Cr Williams said.
Council has had various mechanisms for engaging with young people in the past, including the YTALK Group, which operated from 2005 for approximately ten years, in a similar manner to a Youth Council. Council’s Strengthening Communities team currently maintains active links with local schools and youth service providers, and is looking at appropriate mechanisms for engaging and empowering young people to play a role in the City.
Division 6 Councillor Julie Talty said today’s Council resolution included asking officers to provide a brief on the history of similar programs, possible structure, benefits and predicted cost, so that Council could consider the viability of a Youth Council at a future meeting.
“I would like to see a sort of advisory panel on youth concerns and issues that would allow selected representative school students attend and consider relevant council matters.
“It would allow our young people to have more of a voice and give their thoughts on matters like youth facilities, graffiti and other antisocial behaviour, and youth events.
“Students could elect their youth representatives and this may be complemented by an outreach program component where support officers, and perhaps the local Councillor, could go into the schools to engage.
“They could potentially have a responsibility to go back and report on the issues through the student body at their school.
“It’s important to understand young people’s views on wider issues too, like public transport, technology and environment.
“While there have been various outreach and consultative programs over the years aimed at our local young people, in many cases these have been issue specific.
“This initiative is designed to be a little more high level, affording the students the opportunity to understand how Council operates and provide their views on matters that impact them,” Cr Talty said.