Celebrate Queensland Youth Week (3 – 14 April) by entering your team in the upcoming Redlands Coast Amazing Race (14 April).
The event will again see teams of family and friends challenged to a giant treasure hunt around the Redlands Coast mainland.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said last year’s event proved hugely popular and many teams were expected to enter again.
“With registrations opening on Monday 4 March, I urge those teams keen to participate to act now and secure their spot,” Cr Williams said.
“There will be a whole new set of clues leading teams to a host of naturally wonderful Redlands Coast locations, with fun activities to be completed at each before proceeding.

“There will be prizes for each stage winning team and an overall prize, all provided by event sponsor Capalaba Central Shopping Centre.
“MyHorizons, Redlands PCYC and Yulu-Burri-Ba (Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health) are providing in-kind support.
“Although the event is youth-focused, teams may consist of a combination of family and friends and a range of ages, as long are there are two Redlands Coast residents, two young people aged seven to 17 years-of-age and one adult.
“Each team will need a driver and car to participate.
“Registration is open from 4 March until 5 April, or until all team spots are taken.”
Visit Council’s website to register and for full terms and conditions.