Redland City Council is trialling a solar compacting litter bin in a new high-tech approach to litter disposal.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said it was hoped smart technology would lead to reduced litter disposal costs and an increase in collection efficiency.
The solar compacting bin, which automatically compresses its contents when needed then advises when it is full, is being trialled at Bloomfield Street Park, Cleveland.
“Solar compacting bins could potentially provide benefits in key locations through their capacity to store approximately double the volume of a standard 240 litre wheelie bin, reducing the frequency of collection and also the required number of bins,” Cr Williams said.
“This also reduces visual clutter in foreshore and public place areas.
“Council currently manages almost 500 public litter bins, with collection frequencies varying according to use.
“This technology has the potential for Council to move to an as-needed collection frequency in the future, saving time and ultimately money for our community.”
Cr Williams said Council was also looking at other ‘smart city’ solutions to managing rubbish collections in parks and public places across the city.
“We want Redlands Coast to be a smart city and so we are always looking for ways to improve services while minimising costs through investing in technology,” she said.