UPDATE: Thursday 22 June 2021
The hazard reduction burns within the Scribbly Gums Conservation Area at Alexandra Hills will continue on Friday 23 July 2021, weather permitting.
Wednesday 21 June 2021
Redland City Council’s Parks and Conservation Crews and Brisbane Region Rural Fire Service will undertake a hazard reduction burn in two areas within the Scribbly Gums Conservation Area on Thursday 22 July 2021, weather permitting.
The locations of the planned burns are:
- 23-141 Flinders Street, Alexandra Hills
- 57A Winchester Road, Alexandra Hills.
Crews will be onsite from 7.30am, with the burns expected to occur between 10am and 3.30pm.

The purpose of the burns is to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, which will assist with hazard reduction – reducing the fire danger and providing conditions essential for native regeneration.
It is appreciated that the burns may cause some inconvenience, however all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards.

No impact is expected for road traffic, however advisory signs will be erected in nearby streets that may be impacted by smoke.
For more information about Council’s planned burn program, visit redland.qld.gov.au/PlannedBurns.