Redland City Council has organised a free workshop in November to help community organisations develop their own strategic plans.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said Council was pleased to provide professional advice and support to help committee members of community, sport and recreation organisations on Redlands Coast.
“Strategic planning is important to any organisation because it helps to define goals, focuses attention on any issues and challenges, and provides guidance on how to deal with them,” Cr Williams said.
“A strategic plan is also important if an organisation intends to apply for grants as it can be one of the eligibility requirements, especially for larger capital infrastructure grants.”

Cr Williams said the Strategic Planning workshop would be professionally facilitated and aimed to help community organisations and sporting clubs get a kick start in building their own strategic plan.
“The interactive session will provide committee members with the skills to put together a plan to help their club achieve financial sustainability, facility upgrades or membership growth, and to capitalise on what the club can offer to its members,” she said.
“Following the workshop, there will be an opportunity for groups to engage with the facilitator further via online meetings to review their plans, provide feedback and answer any further questions.”
Cr Williams encouraged groups to register their committee for this strategic planning workshop as bookings were essential and places were limited.
Where: Alexandra Hills Hotel and Conference Centre, corner McDonald and Finucane Roads, Alexandra Hills
When: Wednesday 23 November 2022 from 6pm-8.30pm (light refreshments provided)
Cost: free