Redland City Council has resolved to work alongside the Queensland Government as it prepares a new housing strategy for the city, but says the community must be consulted as part of the process.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams said the decision endorsed at this week’s General Meeting aimed to ensure the most appropriate planning outcomes were achieved for the city.
“The Planning Minister advised Council in September of his decision to urgently prepare a housing supply and diversity strategy for Redland City,” Cr Williams said.
“This was despite the fact that Council is exceeding its housing targets as set by the State Government and had made a formal submission outlining significant grounds why there was no need to undertake the work at this time.”

Cr Williams said Council officers have held preliminary discussions with Queensland Government planning staff to discuss potential opportunities for Council involvement in the State-led preparation of the housing strategy.
“This week’s decision demonstrates Council’s commitment to constructively consider and review any information that may be made available by the State during the preparation of the strategy,” Cr Williams said.
“We want a good outcome for the community; a thorough and well-considered approach to the housing supply needs of Redlands Coast, rather than a strategy which results from predetermined outcomes.”
Cr Williams said it was important that a new housing strategy was accompanied with a plan for new infrastructure.
“The Redlands community is adamant in demanding any population growth needs to be accompanied by critical state infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and schools,” she said.
“It is critical that our community is thoroughly consulted right from the start of the process.
“We want to be given the opportunity to provide input on the preparation of this new strategy for our city and will formalise our views in a subsequent report to Council.
“Now is the time for all levels of government to work together to ensure residents have somewhere to live while meeting their social needs and protecting their quality of life.”