Work on the Minjerribah Panorama Coastal Walk project at Point Lookout (Mulumba) on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah) will pause from close of business today (Friday 9 December 2022), to support local businesses and residents during the Christmas holiday period.
The stage two works will recommence on Monday 23 January 2023.
During the pause period the construction site area will be fenced off for public safety and an additional refuge area will be created to allow two areas for wildlife movement only.
Pedestrians will be directed to walk along the path on the built-up side of Mooloomba Road, in accordance with the existing Traffic Management Plan set up for the site.
Variable Message Signs, warning people to be aware of kangaroos on the road, will be installed at each approach to the project site and will remain in place until the works are completed.

Work on stage two of the Minjerribah Panorama Coastal Walk is expected to be completed in late June 2023, weather and site conditions permitting.
Stage two works include roadway upgrades, continuation of the pedestrian pathway and boardwalks from Frenchman’s Stairs to Point Lookout Village, completion of the renewal of Frenchman’s Stairs down to Frenchman’s Beach, renewed picnic areas and facilities, and additional car park spaces on the southern side of Mooloomba Road.
More information on the project is available on Council’s Your Say webpage.