Redland City Council’s Parks and Conservation crews, along with the Queensland Rural Fire Service, will undertake multiple hazard reduction burns in sections of bushland on Russell Island between Monday 26 June and Friday 7 July 2023, weather conditions permitting.
The location of the burn areas on Russell Island are:
- Aimeo Esplanade Wetland, 60-72 Dempsey Street,
- Jackson Road Park, 37-71 Jackson Road,
- Whistling Kite Wetland, 13-23 Minjerriba Road and 172-216 High Street,
- Melomys Wetland, 338-366 Centre Road and 8-22 Kirribin Street, and
- Fern Terrace Bushland Refuge, 148 Fern Terrace.
The purpose of the burns is to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, which will assist with hazard reduction – reducing the fire danger and providing conditions essential for native regeneration.
It is appreciated that these burns may cause some inconvenience, however all attempts will be made to limit any smoke hazards.

Council recommends that people close their windows and doors and those who have a respiratory condition keep their medications nearby.
For more information about Council’s planned burn program, please visit