Construction of a new, recreational boat ramp and temporary car park at Weinam Creek, Redland Bay is scheduled to begin from August 2023.
The works are part of the next stage of development for the Weinam Creek Priority Development Area (PDA) Master Plan and represent a major step forward in the phased rejuvenation of Marina Redland Bay.
The new boat ramp is just one of many new services and facilities set to be delivered under the PDA as it is developed by Redland Investment Corporation (RIC) on behalf of Redland City Council.

The new Marina Redland Bay will bring more car parks for Southern Moreton Bay Island (SMBI) commuters, travel and transport upgrades to reduce traffic congestion, an activated foreshore with more open space and family-friendly areas, retail and cafe amenities.
The new boat ramp located at the end of the Moores Road car park will give recreational boaties easier access to better, more modern facilities that are separated from emergency services.
Once completed, first-responder vessels will take up exclusive use of the existing boat ramp on the northern side of Weinam Creek.
RIC CEO Peter Kelley said moving recreational vessels to the southern side of Weinam Creek would relocate the boat trailer parking away from the main parking for SMBI commuters.
“A great outcome for the community is that once the new recreational boat ramp is completed, the existing boat ramp will become designated for use by emergency service vessels only,” Mr Kelley said.
“This will alleviate pressure on the facility and improve response times to SMBI residents.”
In parallel with the construction of the new recreational ramp, work will also commence on a temporary car park that will provide critical commuter car parking during the next stage of development.
The temporary car park will be constructed on Banana Street, providing 141 spaces located close to the ferry terminal.
To create the temporary car park, the existing boat trailer parking will be reduced to 20 bays and established street landscaping and trees will need to be removed.
“We have investigated all options to preserve the trees and have identified one mature gum tree that will be retained,” Mr Kelley said.
“To address the issue of providing adequate temporary parking during works and safe flow of traffic, the decision to remove the trees has been necessary.
“Independent Ecologist BAAM have confirmed there are no koalas located in this area.
“Following recommendations from BAAM, Council has agreed to planting three additional trees for every one gum tree that is removed from Banana Street, adding to the planned revitalisation of Sel Outridge and Neville Stafford parks.”
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams was looking forward to the new boating facilities and welcomed the immediate car parking relief being offered during construction.
“Council recognises that parking will continue to evolve while the redevelopment project takes shape,” Cr Williams said.
“To provide the maximum amount of car parking for SMBI commuters during this construction phase, only 45 of the planned 90 boat trailer parks will be provided at the Moores Road car park, with the remainder planned to be converted once a planned multi-level car park has opened.
“Redland City Council has always had a clear vision for the Weinam Creek PDA precinct that responds to the community’s needs.
“What became clear through extensive community consultation is that solving Weinam Creek’s parking issues is more complex than simply providing more parking.
“The master plan has been designed to create a community precinct, meeting the requirements of the PDA’s Development Scheme, which was informed by community feedback.
“RIC and Council are making every effort to minimise inconvenience and disruption while this major redevelopment takes shape.
“We encourage boaties to consider using alternative ramps at Colburn Avenue, Redland Bay and William Street, Cleveland.
“We thank the community for their support of the project and for their patience while these works are carried out.”
The existing boat ramp will have reduced access during the construction period, with 20 trailer parks available from August to December.
The new temporary car park on Banana Street will provide an additional 141 car parks for Southern Moreton Bay Island commuter traffic.
Construction of the new boat ramp at the end of the Moores Road car park is scheduled to be finished by December 2023 (weather dependent).
When the new recreational boat ramp is completed, 45 boat trailer parking spaces will be provided. When the multi-level car park is completed in a future stage of development, the 45 extra boat trailer parks will be provided.