Redland City Council has adopted an updated Disaster Management Plan for Redlands Coast.
City Mayor and Local Disaster Management Group Chair Karen Williams said the plan had been updated to incorporate the newly developed Australian Warning System (AWS), as well as including changes to better streamline the plan’s review process.
“The AWS is a new national approach to information and Calls to Actions for hazards like bushfire, flood, storm, cyclone, extreme heat and severe weather, and utilises a nationally consistent set of icons,” Cr Williams said.
“This system was designed to deliver a more consistent approach to these types of emergencies, no matter where you are in the country.”
Cr Williams said the plan now incorporated a planning cycle and planning map to assist its review and update process.
“This will ensure that the plan is reviewed and renewed in line with the annual review period set by the Inspector General of Emergency Management,” she said.
“Council’s local Disaster Management Plan is a critical strategic document that outlines how disaster management is coordinated throughout Redlands Coast.
“It ensures the city not only prepares for and responds to a disaster, but just as importantly recovers from an event.
“As we move closer to the summer bushfire season, it is an opportune time for the community to review the practical information in the plan to help you prepare yourself, your home and your business for a potential disaster.”
The updated Disaster Management Plan adopted by Council at yesterday’s general meeting is available to read at: Redlands Disaster Plan | disaster plan information for Redland City