Redland City Council has opened applications for two major grant programs that will see thousands of dollars injected into community events and initiatives across Redlands Coast.
Eligible groups have until Sunday 3 March 2024 to apply for the Village Events and Activation Grant Program (VEAG) and round two of Council’s Sponsorship Program.
Previous community events staged using VEAG funding include Art My Word on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and Christmas festivals at Mount Cotton, Redland Bay and Wellington Point.
The place-based program is designed to support the enhanced activation, promotion and vibrancy of Redlands Coast villages.
Funding helps not-for-profit community organisations and village traders deliver initiatives that encourage more people to live, work, play and invest in Redlands Coast.

One grant of up to $12,000 is available for events in each of 10 local centres across the city – Cleveland, Capalaba, Victoria Point, Alexandra Hills, Birkdale, Redland Bay, Wellington Point, Mount Cotton, the Southern Moreton Bay Islands and either Dunwich or Point Lookout on North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah).
Council is also providing funding and valuable in-kind support for a variety of events and initiatives on Redlands Coast through round two of the 2023-24 Sponsorship Program.
Sponsorships are designed to help organisations host activities that provide tangible commercial benefits to Council and the wider Redlands Coast community.
Recipients of the Sponsorship Program during round one included STAR Community Services, Rotary Club of Cleveland and YMCA Queensland.
Applications are open for minor sponsorship up to $15,000, major sponsorship from $15,001 to $30,000, and $1500 for Quandamooka cultural awareness events or activities.
Council’s Civic Support Fund is also active, providing cost-of-living relief to vulnerable residents on Redlands Coast through grants to community organisations.
A total of $500,000 has been allocated to the program in Council’s 2023-24 budget.
For more information, including details on how to apply and a list of previous recipients, visit the Redland City Council website.