The Governor of Queensland has visited Redlands Coast to learn about the area’s recovery from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred and discuss the city’s needs and issues going forward.
Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM met with Redland City Mayor Jos Mitchell and other Councillors at Council Chambers in Cleveland on Wednesday, before touring some of the recovery facilities that have been set up in the city.

Mayor Mitchell said the meeting gave Council an opportunity to discuss issues relevant to Redlands Coast first-hand with the Governor and to update her on the ongoing recovery efforts on the islands and mainland.
“It was a very good opportunity to re-iterate the needs of our community going forward – not just in disaster recovery but in maintaining the lifestyle we enjoy on Redlands Coast,” she said.
“I’ve been heartened by the community spirit shown over the last week as our communities, Redland City Council and agencies work together to restore our local area.
“I am grateful the Governor visited Redlands Coast to hear and experience that community spirit for herself.”
The Governor and her husband Professor Graeme Nimmo RFD visited the Bayview Conservation Park at Redland Bay where one of 16 mainland bulk bin disposal sites has been established to assist residents dispose of event-related food waste and highly odorous materials.
“Later, at the Thornlands Dance Palais Hall, the Governor had the opportunity to meet with local residents and hear their stories about the last week,” the Mayor said.

“The hall on the corner of Cleveland-Redland Bay Road and Island Outlook Avenue, is one of three pop-up Community Recovery Hubs currently being operated by the Queensland Government in partnership with Redland City Council.
“A second hub is located on Russell Island at the Alison Crescent recreation hall, and a new one will open tomorrow morning at Dunwich Community Hall on North Stradbroke Island, with more to be announced in coming days.”