- The Bureau of Meteorology advises from Thursday 5 March 2025 the forecast case scenario indicates up to 0.5m above Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) across the open beaches and the realistic worst-case scenario allows for a faster westward track with water levels exceeding HAT by 0.5 to 0.7m for open beaches.
- Waves and sea water will travel a long way inland and through coastal creeks and rivers. This can flood and damage buildings, wash away roads and cars, and damage bridges.
- Roads could be blocked by fallen trees, powerlines, or flood water from the cyclone.
- Power, water, phone, and sewerage services could stop working.
- The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Cyclone Watch that includes Redland City.
- The Bureau advises Tropical Cyclone Alfred is expected to become slow moving and turn west towards the Queensland coast later today.
- TC Alfred is currently a category 2 cyclone. It is likely to maintain a category 2 intensity as it approaches the south-east Queensland coast late on Thursday.
- A storm tide warning is also current for the Redland LGA.
- Conditions will worsen as the weather system approaches the coast.
What you need to do
- Find out how to get ready for a tropical cyclone and pack an emergency kit at https://www.getready.qld.gov.au/get-prepared
- Put chemicals and poisons up high to stop them polluting the water.
- Lift important things on to beds, tables, shelves or upstairs to protect them.
- Use sandbags to block toilets, sinks and drains to stop sewerage backflow.
- Decide if you need to turn off the power, solar, water and gas before you leave.
- Move cars to high ground away from trees.
Prepare for flood water:
- If it’s flooded, forget it. Stay out of flood water.
- Decide if you, and the people you live with, will leave if floodwaters get close to your house.
- If you have children make sure they are with you or an adult you trust.
- Be prepared to have no power. Charge mobile phones and other electronic devices now.
- Get and fill sandbags and block doors to stop water getting inside. You can get sandbags from https://www.redlandsdisasterplan.com.au/…/sandbags-and…/.
- Use sandbags to block toilets, sinks and drains to stop sewerage backflow.
- Warn family, friends, and neighbours in the area. Help others if you can.
- Lift important things on to beds, tables, shelves or upstairs to protect them.
- Lift waste containers, chemicals, and poisons up high.
- Pack enough clothes, food, water, medicine, baby items (like nappies, formula) and pet food for three days.
- Plan not to have a fridge or microwave.
- Take your pets, mobile phone charger, battery-powered radio, torch, and valuables like photos, cash, and important documents (like identification, insurance, or banking records).
- Lock windows and doors.
- Go to a safe place, away from flooding. This could be with family or a friend.
- Use your Person-Centred Emergency Plan (P-CEP) now if you have one.
- Make sure you have enough medicine for at least one week.
- If anyone in your house uses powered medical equipment, like a dialysis machine or ventilator, decide now where you will go in case you lose power.
- Call your support person or service to organise transport if you need to leave.
- Leaving early is safer than waiting.
- Campers and caravanners should start packing up now.
- If you do not need to be in the warning area, leave now. Check road conditions and plan your route before you leave.
- Be ready to move if the situation gets worse.
Residents who wish to prepare their properties for wet weather are reminded that Council has several sandbag stations available on the mainland and islands. See Council’s disaster dashboard for details https://disaster.redland.qld.gov.au/
Please note, enclosed shoes must be worn at all Council’s sandbag stations. Maximum of 10 bags per vehicle.
For more information about sandbags, including storage, disposal and how to use, visit the disaster plan website: https://www.redlandsdisasterplan.com.au/…/sandbags-and…/
- Follow our local council disaster dashboard at disaster.redland.qld.gov.au, where you can also subscribe to Council’s free emergency messaging service, Redlands Coast Alerts.
- Follow Redland City Council on Facebook or Council’s news site at redlandscoasttoday.com.au.
- Listen to your local radio Bay FM 100.3 and 612 ABC AM.
- For power outage information go to energex.com.au.
- Check the latest weather, warnings, rainfall, and river heights at the http://www.bom.gov.au/qld/.
- Check road closures at https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/ or for phone service call 13 19 40.