Brisbane and Redland City councils yesterday agreed to seek funding for a joint investigation into cross-boundary transport and infrastructure priorities.
Redland City Mayor Karen Williams convened the first ever Redlands and Brisbane Transport Working Group meeting to open dialogue between local, state and federal representatives with electorates on the border of the two cities.
“Yesterday was historic in that for the first time we had Federal, State and Local Government representatives agree to work together to prioritise cross boundary transport infrastructure that impacts on both cities,”
Cr Williams said. “Redland City and Brisbane don’t just share boundaries, but also key transport corridors, so it’s important for us to work together so Brisbane and Redland City residents benefit from quality transport infrastructure.
“While city, state and federal representatives do a good job looking after their own patch, the fact is roads don’t stop at city or electoral boundaries so what happens in the Redlands affects Brisbane and vice versa.”
Brisbane City Council Deputy Lord Mayor and Infrastructure Chairman, Cr Adrian Schrinner, said the working group was vital to ensure that the growing public transport and infrastructure needs of the adjoining communities were met in the years to come.
“This is a matter for all levels of government, not just local Councils, so that there can be a plan that prioritises projects that best address congestion and transport needs into the future,” Cr Schrinner said.
“We will look at where significant growth has been and consider all options, so that the most appropriate solutions can be delivered.”
Yesterday’s meeting was attended by Redland City Councillors Julie Talty, Paul Gleeson and Paul Bishop, Brisbane City Council Doboy Ward Councillor Ryan Murphy, State Members of Parliament Don Brown (Capalaba), Mark Robinson (Cleveland), Matt McEachan (Redlands), Steve Minnikin (Chatsworth) and Federal MPs Andrew Laming (Bowman) and Ross Vasta (Bonner).
Cr Williams said discussions centred on what is needed to ensure the major roads and rail routes in and out of the Redlands can manage future growth.
“There are four major roads and one rail line currently servicing the Redlands, with the proposed Eastern Busway also identified as being required to service the two cities in the future,” she said.
“Already there are roads between the Redlands and Brisbane struggling to cope with traffic, so we need to make sure we get on top of it and put the steps in place to ensure roads and public transport can handle the growth of the two cities.
“With different levels of government responsible for these current and future transport routes it made sense to get everyone in a room so we can identify priority areas with a view to planning for the future.
“These six transport links will be the focus of a study to look at how we can all work together to ensure Brisbane and Redlands residents can get around safely and efficiently.
“There is no quick fix to our congestion issues but I see today as the starting point to addressing the problems.
“I am committed to working with Brisbane City Council and State and federal governments to help deliver the transport and roads infrastructure we need and the people of the Redlands deserve.”
“We have also agreed to hold another meeting with technical officers from Brisbane and Redland City councils to help take the vision to the next step of developing a strategic transport plan.”