Weed of the Week: Lantana
Name: Lantana Scientific name: Lantana camara How to identify the weed: Lantana is a shrub that forms dense thickets. The branches ...
Name: Lantana Scientific name: Lantana camara How to identify the weed: Lantana is a shrub that forms dense thickets. The branches ...
Green thumb enthusiasts get excited because Redland City Council is hosting the inaugural Redlands Good Gardening Expo to be held ...
Name: Madeira vine Scientific name: Anredera cordifolia How to identify the weed: A long-lived vine capable of climbing 30m into the canopy. ...
Name: Dutchman's pipe Scientific name: Aristolochia elegans How to identify the weed: A fast growing vine up to 3m in length ...
Name: Broad-leaf pepper tree Scientific name: Schinus terebinthifolius How to identify the weed: Commonly found in backyards in the Redlands this ...
Common name: Asparagus fern Scientific name: Asparagus aethiopicus How to identify the weed: Commonly found in backyards this weeds is a ...
Weeds can have a significant impact on our environment as well as create additional management costs to Council. Council encourages ...
A new study(1) into Australian mobile phone purchasing and recycling habits shows that the demand for the latest mobile phone ...
Redland City Council crews and emergency workers are working tirelessly to respond to damage reports from the severe weather that ...
Redland City Council is managing the spread of weeds with the removal of a known problem weed, Cabomba caroliniana, from ...
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